O my God, my God forgive

Verse 1
O my God, my God forgive:
All thy wrath I cannot bear,
Cannot suffer on, and live:
If thy purpose is to spare,
If thou canst so greatly save,
Now redeem me from the grave.

Verse 2
See thy creature most distrest,
Stretch’d upon the rack of fears,
Mark the earthquake in my breast,
Mark the torrent of my tears,
All my pangs unspeakable
See, and O! Vouchsafe to feel.

Verse 3
O thou gracious Son of God,
O thou loving Man of Grief,
Lighten now my mountain-load,
Now afford me some relief;
In my end if hope there be,
If thou yet canst pardon me.

Verse 4
Quench this cruel hell of doubt,
All this unbelief remove:
Wilt thou cast a sinner out,
One that hangs upon thy love,
Feebly gasping after grace,
Canst thou drive me from thy face?

Verse 5
Break not off my weakest hold,
Do not to my haters leave,
To my fierce oppressors sold
Once again my soul retrieve,
For thy truth, and mercy sake
Cast my sins behind thy back.

Verse 6
Might I find thy pardning love,
Then I all things could sustain,
Glory (if my God approve,)
In the frown of hostile man,
Bless the sacred infamy
Scorn’d by man and priz’d by thee.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems Vol. 1, published by Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1749). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 420.
Publishing: Public Domain