Verse 1
O Saviour, cast a gracious smile,
Our gloomy guilt, and selfish guile,
And shy mistrust remove,
The true simplicity impart,
To fashion every passive heart,
And mould it into love.
Verse 2
Our naked hearts to thee we raise;
Whate’er obstructs thy work of grace
For ever drive it hence:
Exert thine all-subduing power,
And each regenerate soul restore
To child-like innocence.
Verse 3
Soon as in thee we gain a part,
Our spirit purg’d from nature’s art
Appears by grace forgiven,
We then pursue our sole design,
To lose our melting will in thine,
And want no other heaven.
Verse 4
O that we now the power might feel
To do on earth thy blessed will
As angels do above!
In thee the life, the truth, the way
To walk, and perfectly obey
Thy sweet constraining love!
Verse 5
Jesus, fulfil our one desire,
And spread the spark of living fire
Thro’ every hallow’d breast,
Bless with divine conformity,
And give us now to find in thee
Our everlasting rest.