Verse 1
O Saviour of all
Who trust in thy love,
And faithfully call
For help from above,
To our supplication
In mercy attend,
And send us salvation,
And victory send.
Verse 2
To thee with our heart
And spirit we cleave,
Who takest the part
Of all that believe:
Our Lord we confess thee,
Whoever oppose,
And joyfully bless thee
In sight of thy foes.
Verse 3
Pluck’d out of the flame,
Thy soldiers we stand;
Fight under thy name,
And love thy command:
Our Captain and Saviour
Thee, Jesus, we hail,
And trust in thy favour,
Which never shall fail.
Verse 4
Whatever thy will
And wisdom ordain,
Our safety is still
With thee to remain:
Our lives are all hidden,
Our souls are above,
And rest in the Eden
Of ransoming love.
Verse 5
In thee we have hope,
In thee we have peace,
And calmly go up
To final success:
Thy fear is our treasure,
Thy service our gain,
And we in thy pleasure
Eternally reign.