Verse 1
O that the life-infusing grace,
The pure and perfect peace of God,
Might now descend on Israel’s race,
The church he purchas’d with his blood!
Verse 2
The souls peculiarly his own
On them the choicest gifts descend
From him that sitteth on the throne,
Antient of days which never end.
Verse 3
He was from all eternity,
Pure essence, life, and light, and power,
He is when time no more shall be;
He is, and shall be evermore.
Verse 4
From God to all his church below,
From the seven spirits before his throne,
From Jesus let the blessing flow,
Jesus is God’s co-equal Son.
Verse 5
The true, and faithful witness he,
The first-begotten of the dead,
Prince of the kings of earth—to thee
Be everlasting homage paid.
Verse 6
Amazing height of love divine!
We praise with all thy hosts above
Th’ unutterably great design,
The mystery of redeeming love.
Verse 7
From actual, and from inbred sin
Us thou hast wash’d in thine own blood,
Thy blood hath more than made us[1] clean,
Hath made us kings and priests to God.
Verse 8
Wherefore to thee all honour, praise,
Dominion, power, and thanks we give,
While to the glory of thy grace
Through all eternity we live.
[1] Wesley changed “more than made us” to “made us more than” in 1761.