O Thou hidden God unknown

Verse 1
O thou hidden God unknown,
Hear thy fallen creature’s cry,
Now recall thy banish’d one,
One who would on thee rely:
But ’till thou thy Spirit give,
Lord, I never can believe.

Verse 2
Dead in sin too long I was,
Blindest when I said I see;
Thou hast magnified thy grace,
Shew’d my want of faith and thee,
Shone into my nature’s night,
Bad me wait to see thy light.

Verse 3
Stript of all my boasted power
Now myself I cannot save,
Cannot hasten the glad hour;
Only this from thee I have,
Sin and unbelief to feel,
Both, alas! Invincible.

Verse 4
Conscious of my unbelief,
Sweetly now for thee I mourn,
Taste the blessedness of grief,
To my mighty fortress turn,
Prisoner I of gospel hope
For thyself to thee look up.

Verse 5
Token of thy richest grace
I my poverty receive,
Sure thou wilt unveil thy face,
Sure thou wilt the blessing give,
Faith that seals my sins forgiven,
Faith the earnest of my heaven.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems Vol. 1, published by Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1749). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 331.
Publishing: Public Domain