Verse 1
O thou meek, and injur’d Dove,
Wherefore dost thou strive with me?
Me, who still abuse thy love,
Me who grieve, and fly from thee!
Thee why should I longer grieve?
Leave me Lord, thy rebel leave.
Verse 2
Well thou knowst, if now my heart
Melts to feel thy softning grace,
Ready am I to depart,
Thine to quit for sin’s embrace;
Take thy mercy back again,
Wherefore shouldst thou strive in vain?
Verse 3
O that I might never feel
One desire or drawing more;
Rather than provoke thee still,
Now let all the strife be o’er,
Drive me from thy blissful face,
Let me go to my own place:
Verse 4
Or if thy unwearied love
Will not yet the rebel leave,
Stronger let thine influence prove,
Let me double grace receive,
Give me more, or give me less,
Fix my doom, or seal my peace.