Verse 1
O thou that dost in secret see,
Regard a dying sinner’s prayer,
Out of the deep I cry to thee,
Save, or I perish in despair.
Verse 2
Shorten the days of inbred sin,
Speak to my raging passions peace,
Allay this hurricane within,
Bid all my inward conflicts cease.
Verse 3
When shall the fiery trial end?
When shall I live, and sin no more?
Wilt thou not, Lord, my soul defend,
’Till all the tyranny is o’er?
Verse 4
Weeping to thee I lift mine eyes,
Mine eyes which fail with looking up,
For thee my heart laments and sighs,
Sick with desire, and lingring hope.
Verse 5
A daily death I die thro’ fear
That I no more shall see my God,
No more the voice of mercy hear,
But faint, and perish in my blood.
Verse 6
O that I could but surely know
If I at last shall mercy find!
For what am I reserv’d below!
Tell me, thou Saviour of mankind.
Verse 7
That hope is in my end declare;
And let me want thy chearing grace,
For seventy years content I bear
The hidings of thy blissful face.
Verse 8
Let others walk with thee in light,
But bless me with one parting ray,
And e’er I close mine eyes in night,
Give me to see thy perfect day.