Oft I in my heart have said

Verse 1
Oft I in my heart have said,
Who shall ascend on high,
Mount to Christ my glorious head,
To bring him from the sky?
Born on contemplation’s wing,
Surely I should find him there
Where the angels praise their King,
And gain the Morning-Star.

Verse 2
Oft I in my heart have said,
Who to the deep shall stoop,
Sink with Christ among the dead
From thence to bring him up?
Could I but my heart prepare
By unfeign’d humility,
Christ would quickly enter there,
And ever dwell with me.

Verse 3
But the righteousness of faith
Hath taught me better things,
“Inward turn thine eyes,” (it saith
While Christ to me it brings)
“Christ is ready to impart,
Life to all for life who sigh,
In thy mouth, and in thy heart,
The word is ever nigh.”

Verse 4
Jesu, I in thee believe,
My faith in thee confess;
Gladly do I now receive
The offers of thy grace:
Now thy merits are applied,
I from all my sins am free,
I am clear, since thou hast died,
And rose again for me.

Verse 5
Unto righteousness I still
Believe on thee, my Lord,
With my heart believe, and feel
Thee faithful to thy word.
Unto full salvation thee
With my mouth I still confess,
Till the utmost heights I see
Of perfect holiness.

Verse 6
Wherefore should I longer doubt?
I every whit am clean:
My salvation is wrought out,
I now am sav’d from sin.
Author of eternal grace
Unto all who thee obey,
I shall see thee face to face;
My Jesus, come away!

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "Romans x. 6, &c." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1742), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1742). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 2 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 240.
Publishing: Public Domain