Verse 1
Omnipotent Lord, my Saviour and King,
Thy succour afford, thy righteousness bring;
Thy promises bind thee compassion to have,
Now, now let me find thee Almighty to save.
Verse 2
Rejoicing in hope, and patient in grief,
To thee I look up for certain relief,
I fear no denial, no danger I fear,
Nor start from the tryal, while Jesus is near.
Verse 3
I every hour in jeopardy stand;
But thou art my power, and holdest my hand,
While yet I am calling, thy succour I feel,
It saves me from falling, or plucks me from hell.
Verse 4
O who can explain this struggle for life!
This travel[1] and pain, this trembling and strife!
Plague, earthquake, and famine, and tumult and war,
The wonderful coming of Jesus declare.
Verse 5
For every fight is dreadful and loud,
The warrior’s delight is slaughter and blood,
His foes overturning, till all shall expire;
But this is with burning, and fewel of fire.
Verse 6
Yet God is above men, devils, and sin,
My Jesus his[2] love, the battle shall win,
So terribly glorious his coming shall be,
His love all victorious shall conquer for me.
Verse 7
He all shall break thro’, his truth and his grace
Shall bring me into the plentiful place:
Thro’ much tribulation, thro’ water and fire,
Thro’ floods of temptation, and flames of desire.
Verse 8
On Jesus my power till then I rely,
All evil before his presence shall fly,
When I have my Saviour, my sin shall depart,
And Jesus forever shall reign in my heart.
[1] Wesley may have intended “travail.”
[2] Wesley changed “Jesus his” to “Jesus’s” in 1756.