Omnipotent Lord, Whom armies obey

Verse 1
Omnipotent Lord,
Whom armies obey,
And lose at thy word,
Or carry the day;
With faithful affection
To thee let us cleave,
And in thy protection
Triumphantly live.

Verse 2
Thou great God of war,
Thine Israel bless,
For conquest prepare,
And grant us success:
With sorrow before thee
And shame let us fall,
And meekly adore thee,
The Saviour of all.

Verse 3
If first thou chastise
Our insolent boast,
Yet bid us arise
As out of the dust;
In deep tribulation
Thy power let us own,
Ascribing salvation
To Jesus alone.

Verse 4
O Jesus, if now
Too many we are,
Too stubborn to bow
And seek thee in prayer;
By judgments subdue us,
But shew us thy grace,
But hasten to shew us
The light of thy face.

Verse 5
When humbly on thee
Alone we depend,
We trust thou wilt be
Our helper and friend;
Go forth with our armies,
Our leader and guide;
And nothing shall harm us
With God on our side.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Times of Trouble, published by John and Charles Wesley (London: Strahan, 1744). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 89.
Publishing: Public Domain