Verse 1
Out of the deep I cry
Just at the point to die,
Hast’ning to infernal pain,
Jesus, Lord, I cry to thee,
Help a feeble child of man,
Shew forth all thy power in me.
Verse 2
On thee I ever call,
Saviour and friend of all:
Well thou know’st my desp’rate case,
Thou my curse of sin remove,
Save me by thy richest grace,
Save me by thy pard’ning love.
Verse 3
How shall a sinner find
The Saviour of mankind!
Canst thou not accept my prayer,
Not bestow the grace I claim?
Where are thy old mercies, where
All the powers of Jesus’ name?
Verse 4
What shall I say to move
The bowels of thy love?
Are they not already stirr’d?
Have I in thy death no part?
Ask thy own compassions, Lord,
Ask the yearnings of thy heart!
Verse 5
I will not let thee go,
Till I thy mercy know:
Let me hear the welcome sound,
Speak, if still thou canst forgive,
Speak, and let the lost be found,
Speak, and let the dying live.
Verse 6
Thy love is all my plea,
Thy passion speaks for me:
By thy pangs and bloody sweat,
By thy depth of grief unknown,
Save me gasping at thy feet,
Save, O save thy ransom’d one!
Verse 7
What hast thou done for me,
O think on Calvary!
By thy mortal groans, and sighs,
By thy precious death I pray,
Hear my dying spirit’s cries,
Take, O take my sins away!