Verse 1
Peace, sorrowful Heart, or apply
To Christ for the Certain Relief,
He marks with a Merciful Eye
The Cause of thy Trouble and Grief:
The Soul, for whose Burthen I groan,
He tenderly pities and loves,
And counts his Afflictions His own
And feels, till his Cross He removes.
Verse 2
If now in Lamenting for GOD
His innocent Life He employ,
Thy Mercy shall scatter the Cloud,
And turn all his Anguish to Joy;
He soon shall observe thy Return
Forgetting his Sorrow and Smart
For Joy that a Saviour is born
By Faith Thou art form’d in his Heart.
Verse 3
O Lover of Sinners distrest,
His stormy Affliction controul,
Command the rough Ocean to rest,
And whisper a Calm to his Soul;
The Mercy Thou waitest to shew
O might He this Moment obtain:
His Pardon assuredly know,
His Eden eternally gain.