Verse 1
Praise and Majesty and Power,
G[ ], now to Thee I give;
Falling, dying, every Hour,
By thy Grace I rise, I live;
O the Miracle of Grace!
How shall I my GOD admire?
Guardian of my early Days,
Safe with Thee I walk’d in Fire.
Verse 2
Now thy Spirit brings to Mind
Tongues which then I did not know;
Never would Thou let me find
Ease or Happiness below.
O how miserably great
Did I for Deliverance groan,
Languish’d to throw off my State,
Long’d to live and die unknown.
Verse 3
Envious of the Peasant’s lot,
How did I for Quiet pine,
Wish’d to be by all forgot,
Hid from every Eye but thine;
O how set in fond Desire
Did I to the Cloister fly:
“Let me from the World retire,
Let me in the Desert die.”
Verse 4
Weary of the War within,
Weary of my endless Strife,
Weary of myself and Sin,
Weary of a wretched Life,
Harass’d with an iron Yoke,
Burden’d with an Heart of Stone,
All to Thee I could not look,
Durst not then for Mercy groan.
Verse 5
Tortur’d in the legal Fire (?),
Long I toil’d, and toil’d in vain;
Higher grew the Storm and higher,
Deeper my Distress and Pain;
Self-condemn’d I could not rest,
I was as the troubled Sea,
Legion Sin my Soul possest
Sin is perfect Misery.
Verse 6
O the grievous Agonies,
O the cruel wracking Smart!
Guilt, the Worm that never dies,
Gnaw’d and fasten’d on my Heart.
Who the Anguish can declare,
Who can know but those that fell
All the Torment of Despair;
Inbred Sin is inbred Hell.
Verse 7
In the Toils of Death I lay,
Looking for my fearful Hire.
Satan came and seiz’d his Prey,
Hurrying to eternal Fire:
Satan came—and Jesus too!
Just as into Hell I drop,
Jesus to my rescue flew,
“Satan, give thy Prisoner up!”
Verse 8
Jesus spoke the powerful Word
(How shall I adore the Grace!
O my dear redeeming Lord,
Let me dwell upon his Praise);
Jesus suddenly drew nigh,
Cast me from the Lion’s Teeth;
“I have found a Ransom, I
Died to save that Soul from Death.”
Verse 9
Satan heard, and trembling fled;
Rescu’d from the Fowler’s Snare,
Him who lifted up my Head
Jesus I to all declare;
Jesus is the Sinner’s Peace,
Jesus is our Liberty,
Jesus is our Righteousness,
Jesus liv’d and died for me!