Praise by all to Christ be given

Verse 1
Praise by all to Christ be given,
Let us sing,
Christ the King,
King of earth and heaven.

Verse 2
Glory to the name of Jesus,
Jesus’ name,
Still the same,
From all evil frees us.

Verse 3
Jesus’ name the conquest wan[1] us;
Let us rise,
Fill the skies
With our loud hosannas.

Verse 4
Christ, thou in our eyes art glorious!
We proclaim,
Christ the Lamb,
Over all victorious.

Verse 5
Lion of the tribe of Judah,
Lo to thee,
Sing we hallelujah.

Verse 6
Hell was ready to devour;
Thou the prey
Bear’st away
Out of Satan’s power.

Verse 7
See the lawful captive taken
From the foe;
Now we know
Satan’s realm is shaken.

Verse 8
Thou hast shewn thyself the stronger,
Still go on,
Put it down,
Let it stand no longer.

Verse 9
Overturn it, overturn it,
Down with it,
Let the feet
Of thy servants spurn it.

Verse 10
Surely now the charm is broken:
Thou hast shewn,
To thine own,
Thou hast gave[2] a token.

Verse 11
Is there any divination
Against those,
Thou hast chose
Heirs of thy salvation?

Verse 12
Thou hast bought, and thou wilt have us:
Who shall harm,
When thine arm
Is stretch’d out to save us?

Verse 13
Hell in vain against us rages,
Can it shock
Christ the Rock
Of eternal ages!

Verse 14
Satan, wilt thou now defy us?
Is not aid
For us laid
On our great Messias?

Verse 15
Past is thine oppressive hour:
Where’s thy boast,
Baffled, lost,
Where is now thy power?

Verse 16
Serpent, see in us thy bruiser,
Feel his power,
Fly before
Us, thou foul accuser.

Verse 17
Thou no[3] longer shalt oppress us:
Triumph we
Over thee,
In the name of Jesus.

[1] This is an archaic spelling for “won.”
[2] Wesley changed “gave” to “given” in 1748.
[3] “No” was omitted from the original edition as a typo and restored in 1743.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "Thanksgiving for Her Deliverance." Introduced in A Collection of Psalms and Hymns (1741), published by John Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1741). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 2 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 32.
Publishing: Public Domain