Verse 1
Praise the Lord, ye blessed ones,
Your glorious Lord and ours,
Principalities, and thrones,
And all the heavenly powers;
Angels, that in strength excel,
Here your utmost strength employ,
Let your ravish’d spirits swell
With endless praise and joy.
Verse 2
Worms of earth, on gods we call,
And challenge you to sing,
Sing the sovereign cause of all,
The universal King;
While eternal ages last
The transporting theme repeat,
Shout, and gaze, and fall, and cast
Your crowns before his seat.[1]
Verse 3
There with you we trust to lie,
With you to rise again,
Nearest him that rules the sky,
And foremost of his train:
We shall lead the heavenly quire,
We shall give the key to you,
Singing to our golden lyre
The song forever new.
[1] Wesley changed “seat” to “feet” in 1776.