Praise the Lord, ye blessed ones

Verse 1
Praise the Lord, ye blessed ones,
Your glorious Lord and ours,
Principalities, and thrones,
And all the heavenly powers;
Angels, that in strength excel,
Here your utmost strength employ,
Let your ravish’d spirits swell
With endless praise and joy.

Verse 2
Worms of earth, on gods we call,
And challenge you to sing,
Sing the sovereign cause of all,
The universal King;
While eternal ages last
The transporting theme repeat,
Shout, and gaze, and fall, and cast
Your crowns before his seat.[1]

Verse 3
There with you we trust to lie,
With you to rise again,
Nearest him that rules the sky,
And foremost of his train:
We shall lead the heavenly quire,
We shall give the key to you,
Singing to our golden lyre
The song forever new.

[1] Wesley changed “seat” to “feet” in 1776.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Those That Seek and Those That Have Redemption in the Blood of Jesus Christ (William Strahan, 1747). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 253.
Publishing: Public Domain