Verse 1
Prest, o’rewhelm’d with sore temptation,
Lord, must I
Faint and die
Purchase of thy passion?
Verse 2
Bought by Thee shall Satan have me?
God of love
From above
Haste, to help and save me.
Verse 3
Let the sprinkled blood that cleanses
From all sin,
Speak within
Blot out my offences.
Verse 4
Sovereign Lord of earth and heaven,
Cleanse, and keep
Me who weep
At thy feet forgiven.
Verse 5
From presumptuous sins defend me,
Every hour
Wisdom, Power,
Love divine, attend me.
Verse 6
In the Spirit of inspiration
Jesus, come,
To thy home,
With thy great salvation.
Verse 7
Come, and take intire possession,
Christ, my Life,
End the strife,
Finish the transgression.
Verse 8
Then my sin no more shall grieve thee,
When Thou art
In my heart,
Then I cannot leave thee.