Verse 1
Rejoice, who bow to Jesus’ Name!
The righteous man by God approv’d
Meek follower of the patient Lamb,
If from our Vale of tears remov’d;
His days of pain and grief are o’re:
Rejoice for Him who weeps no more.
Verse 2
Void of offence toward God and man
With care he kept his Con[science] here,
Good works industrious to maintain,
A simple Israelite sincere
Thro’ life he Israel’s King confess’d4
God over all for ever blest.
Verse 3
Faithful to death he own’d his Lord,
An heir of sure salvation seal’d,
The kingdom to his soul restor’d
The earnest in his heart reveal’d
By more than words he testifies,
And gasps for Jesus from the skies.
Verse 4
Come my beloved Saviour, come,
Thou seest me to thy will resign’d
Made ready for my heavenly home
Lover of Thee and all mankind,
Conqueror of hell and death and sin,
Open thine arms and take me in.
Verse 5
Bright kindred saints around his bed
To catch his parting spirit stay,
Angels their golden pinions spread
And Jesus beckons him away:
I come, I come, with smiles he cries
[ ] dies!
Verse 6
He lives to God he greatly lives,
And thro’ the merits of his Lord
According to his works receives
The labourer’s hire, the full reward,
The promis’d crown, the purchas’d Grace
The Heaven of heavens—in Jesus Face.