Verse 1
Rejoice, ye happy spirits above,
Another thro’ the Saviour’s love
Is added to your quire:
Redeem’d from earth, and great distress,
She comes t’ inhance your happiness
And raise your raptures higher.
Verse 2
Detain’d in a long vale of tears,
She suffer’d out her seventy years
With patient grace indued,
Servant of all, for others liv’d,
And no reward from man receiv’d
But black ingratitude.
Verse 3
All her delight and joy below
Requir’d by Mercy to forego,
With her last hope to part,
Father, she cried, thy will be done,
And urg’d by a beloved Son
The dagger reach’d her heart!
Verse 4
She dies redeem’d, to die no more!
Whom landing on the heavenly shore
Her faithful Consort greets —
But who the joyous Scene can paint
When first a disembodied Saint
A kindred Spirit meets!
Verse 5
Mixt with her comrades in distress,
With joy unspeakable she sees
The angel-host sent down
Her on their outstretched wings to bear
(So long on earth their fav’rite care)
To the Redeemer’s Throne.
Verse 6
Her smiling Lord appoints his bride
To wait, where blessed Spirits reside,
Th’ accomplished mystery.
The number of the saints compleat,
When all shall sing around his seat,
And God for ever SEE!