Verse 1
Returning to his throne above
The friend of sinners cried,
Do this in mem’ry of my love;
He spoke the word, and died.
Verse 2
He tasted death for every one,
The Saviour of mankind
Out of our sight to heaven is gone,
But left his pledge behind.
Verse 3
His sacramental pledge we take,
Nor will we let it go;
Till in the clouds our Lord comes back
We thus his death will shew.
Verse 4
Come quickly, Lord, for whom we mourn,
And comfort all that grieve,
Prepare the bride, and then return
And to thyself receive.
Verse 5
Now to thy gracious kingdom come,
(Thou hast a token given)
And when thy arms receive us home
Recall thy pledge in heaven.