Verse 1
Rise, my soul, the dawn appears
Of that eternal day!
Quit in hope the vale of tears,
And mount, and soar away!
Darting thro’ this lower air,
Quick as a seraphic flame,
Rise, the marriage-feast to share,
The marriage of the Lamb.
Verse 2
In the wedding-garb of love
By heavenly pity drest,
I shall soon sit down above
At that celestial feast;
To my elder brethren join’d,
I shall there my partner see,
In the arms of Jesus find
The soul that twinn’d with me.
Verse 3
There we shall with transport meet,
And see our Saviour’s face,
Moses’, Jesu’s song repeat,
In extasy of praise:
Bright as his our bodies are,
Like the head the members shine,
All our open foreheads bear
The glorious stamp divine.
Verse 4
With the high and lofty one
We dwell in bliss supreme,
Share the pleasures of his throne,
And taste the chrystal stream,
Banquet on angelic food,
Father, Son, and Spirit know,
Drink the joys that flow from God,
And shall forever flow.