Verse 1
Saviour, and Prince of Peace,
Thy saying we receive;
Thou wilt not leave us comfortless,
Thine own thou wilt not leave:
Poor helpless orphans we
A while thine absence mourn,
But we thy face again shall see,
But thou wilt soon return.
Verse 2
No longer visible
To eyes of flesh and blood,
Come, Lord, to us thyself reveal,
O come, and shew us God:
Because thou liv’st above
Let us thy Spirit know,
And in the glorious knowledge prove
Eternal life below.
Verse 3
Hasten the day, when we
Shall surely know and feel
Thou art in God, and God in thee,
And thou in us dost dwell.
To us, who keep thy word
Thou with thy Father come,
And love, and make us, dearest Lord,
Thine everlasting home.