Verse 1
Saviour, cast a pitying eye,
Bid my sins and sorrows end:
Whither should a sinner fly?
Art not thou the sinner’s friend?
Rest in thee, I gasp to find,
Wretched I, and poor, and blind.
Verse 2
Swallow’d up in sad despair,
In the lowest deep I lie:
Wilt thou, Lord, cast out my prayer?
Canst thou dis-regard my cry?
Hear my lamentable moan,
Listen to my dying groan.
Verse 3
Didst thou ever see a soul
More in need of help than mine?
Then refuse to make me whole,
Then with-hold the balm divine:
But if I do want thee most,
Come, and seek, and save the lost.
Verse 4
Haste, O haste to my relief,
From the iron furnace take,
Rid me of my sin and grief,
For thy own sweet mercy sake,
Set my heart at liberty,
Shew forth all thy power in me.
Verse 5
Me, the vilest of the race,
Most unholy, most unclean,
Me the farthest from thy face,
Sink of misery and sin,
Me with arms of love receive,
Me, of sinners chief, forgive.
Verse 6
Jesus, on thy only name
For salvation I depend,
In thy gracious hands I am,
Save me, save me to the end:
Let the utmost grace be given,
Save me quite from hell to heaven.