Verse 1
See there the quickning cause of all
Who live the life of grace beneath!
God caus’d on him the sleep to fall,
And lo, his eyes are clos’d in death!
Verse 2
He sleeps; and from his open’d side
The mingled blood and water flow;
They both give being to his bride,
And wash his church as white as snow.
Verse 3
True principles of life divine
Issues from these the second Eve,
Mother of all the faithful line,
Of all that by his Passion live.
Verse 4
O what a miracle of love
Hath he, our heavenly Adam shew’d!
Jesus forsook his throne above,
That we might all be born of God.
Verse 5
’Twas not an useless rib he lost,
His heart’s last drop of blood he gave;
His life, his pretious life it cost
Our dearly ransom’d souls to save.
Verse 6
And will he not his purchase take
Who died to make us all his own,
One spirit with himself to make
Flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone?
Verse 7
He will, our hearts reply, he will;
He hath ev’n here a token given,
And bids us meet him on the hill,
And keep the marriage-feast in heaven.