Servant of God, the summons hear

Verse 1
Servant of God, the summons hear,
Thy Master calls, arise, obey!
The tokens of his will appear,
His providence points out thy[1] way.

Verse 2
Lo! We commend thee to his grace!
In confidence go forth! Be strong!
Thy meat his will, thy boast his praise,
His righteousness be all thy song.

Verse 3
Strong in the Lord’s almighty power,
And arm’d in panoply divine,
Firm may’st thou stand in danger’s hour,
And prove the strength of Jesus thine.

Verse 4
Thy breast-plate be his righteousness,
His sacred truth thy loins surround;
Shod be thy beauteous feet with peace,
Spring forth, and spread the gospel sound.

Verse 5
Fight the good fight, and stand secure
In faith’s impenetrable shield;
Hell’s prince shall tremble at its power,
With all his fiery darts repel’d.

Verse 6
Prevent thy foes, nor wait their charge,
But call their ling’ring battle on.
But strongly grasp thy seven-fold targe,
And bear the world, and Satan down.

Verse 7
The helmet of salvation take,
The Lord’s, the Spirit’s conqu’ring sword,
Speak from the word—in lightning speak,
Cry out, and thunder—from the word.

Verse 8
Champion of God, thy Lord proclaim,
Jesus alone resolv’d to know;
Tread down thy foes in Jesu’s name:
Go—conqu’ring, and to conquer go.

Verse 9
Thro’ racks and fires pursue thy way,
Be mindful of a dying God;
Finish thy course, and win the day:
Look up—and seal the truth with blood.

[1] The first edition had “the,” a misprint, which was corrected to “thy” in 1743.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "To the Same [Revd. Mr. Whitefield], Before His Voyage." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1740), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1740). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 1 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868), page 228.
Publishing: Public Domain