Verse 1
Shall man exalt himself, or boast
His goodness, forfeited and lost
When his first parent fell?
A dark abyss of sin unknown
Is all he now can call his own,
And all his right is hell.
Verse 2
The good he doth thro’ grace regain
He may by lowliness retain,
Or forfeit it by pride:
Full of the serpent’s treacherous art,
He cannot trust his own weak heart,
Or in his gifts confide.
Verse 3
Yet bold his neighbour to explore,
He dares prefer himself before
The meaner sons of grace;
No evil in himself can see,
And passing all in purity
He takes the highest place.
Verse 4
But taught of God we wait the end,
A moment patiently attend,
Our true estate to find;
Eternity will soon disclose
What none but the Omniscient knows,
The hearts of all mankind.