Sovereign of all, whose will ordains

Verse 1
Sov’reign of all, whose will ordains
The powers on earth that be,
By whom our rightful monarch reigns,
Subject to none but thee;

Verse 2
Stir up thy strength, appear, appear,
And for thy servant fight;
Support thy great vicegerent here,
And vindicate his right.

Verse 3
Lo! In the arms of faith and prayer,
We bear him to thy throne;
Receive thine own peculiar care,
The Lord’s anointed one.

Verse 4
With favour look upon his face;
Thy love’s pavilion spread;
And watchful troops of angels place
Around his sacred head.

Verse 5
Guard him from all who dare oppose
Thy delegate, and thee,
From open and from secret foes,
From force and perfidy.

Verse 6
Confound whoe’er his ruin seeks,
Or into friends convert;
Give him his adversaries’ necks,
Give him his people’s heart.

Verse 7
Let us, for conscience’ sake, revere
The man of thy right-hand;
Honour and love thine image here,
And bless his mild command.

Verse 8
(Thou only didst the blessing give,
The glory, Lord, be thine.)
Let all with thankful joy receive
The benefit divine.

Verse 9
To those, who thee in him obey,
The Sp’rit of grace impart;
His dear, his sacred burthen lay
On every loyal heart.

Verse 10
O let us pray, and never cease,
“Defend him, Lord, defend;
’Stablish his throne in glorious peace,
And save him to the end.”

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "A Prayer for His Majesty King George." Introduced in Hymns for Times of Trouble and Persecution, published by John and Charles Wesley (London, 1744). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 21.
Publishing: Public Domain