Verse 1
Spirit of faith, on Thee we call,
The merits of our Lord t’ apply;
Convince, and then convert us all,
Condemn, and freely justify,
Set forth the all-atoning Lamb,
And spread the powers of Jesus name.
Verse 2
Jesus the merciful and just
To every heart of man reveal,
In Him enable us to trust,
Forgiveness in his blood to feel,
Let all in Him redemption find;
Sprinkle the blood on all mankind.
Verse 3
Is He not to his Father gone,
That we his righteousness might share?
And art not Thou on earth sent down,
The fruit of his prevailing prayer,
The Witness of his grace, and Seal,
The heavenly Gift unspeakable?
Verse 4
O might we each receive the grace
By Thee to call the Saviour mine!
Come, holy Ghost, to all our race
Bring in the righteousness Divine,
Inspire the sense of sin forgiven,
And give our earth a taste of heaven.