Spirit of holiness, and Root

Verse 1
Spirit of holiness, and root,
Thy gracious God-delighting fruit
Is joy, fidelity and peace,
Meekness which no affront can move,
Truth, temperance, long-suffering, LOVE,
And universal righteousness.

Verse 2
Restorer of the sin-sick mind,
Our souls a perfect soundness find
Thro’ all their powers in thee renew’d,
Spirit of life and might divine,
By thee we in the image shine,
In all the strength and life of God.

Verse 3
Thou dost the living power exert
T’ invig’rate and confirm the heart
Of those who feel thy work begun,
To exercise our every grace,
Quicken us in the glorious race,
’Till all the glorious race is run.

Verse 4
Thro’ thee the flesh we mortify,
A daily death rejoice to die,
To live from sin for ever free:
An holy sinless life to lead
Is only in thy track to tread,
To walk in LOVE, in God, in thee.

Verse 5
Thro’ thee we render God his due,
The worship spiritual and true
With loving hearts rejoice to pay,
Him, while we find thy present power,
In truth and spirit we adore,
And pray—whene’er in thee we pray.

Verse 6
Thou pleadest in the living stones
With speechless eloquence of groans
Which pierce our pitying Father’s ear;
The answer of thy prayer we feel
The glorious joy unspeakable
And triumph in the Comforter.

Verse 7
True witness of our sonship thee
We feel, from fear and sorrow free,
And Father, Abba Father, cry,
Seal of our endless bliss thou art,
Foretaste and earnest in our heart
Of pleasures that shall never die.

Verse 8
First-fruits of yonder land above
Celestial joy, seraphick LOVE
To us, to us in thee is given:
And all that to the Spirit sow,
Shall of the Spirit reap, and know
The ripest happiness of heaven.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns of Petition and Thanksgiving For the Promise of the Father, published by John and Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1746). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 201.
Publishing: Public Domain