Verse 1
Still let me in thy Spirit pray,
Still my infirmity confess:
Take this tormenting fear away,
Nor leave me in my last distress:
While grapling with my mortal foe,
O might I find thy arms beneath,
Assur’d that I shall never know
The bitter pains of endless death.
Verse 2
The pains which soul and body part,
Which only less than hell I dread,
O might thy pitying love avert,
And gently smooth my dying bed!
My coward flesh the conflict flies,
And shrinks from the last agony:
Remembring thy own tears and cries,
Jesus, in death remember me!
Verse 3
When nature’s strength, and spirits fail,
And all th’ infernal powers combin’d
My conscience furiously assail,
And Satan brings my sins to mind;
The fierce accusing fiend restrain,
Prevent, or break his final blow,
And, ransom’d thro’ thy bleeding pain,
I trample on my vanquish’d foe.
Verse 4
I sing the new triumphant song,
O death, where is thy boasted sting?
Salvation doth to God belong,
Who doth to me salvation bring!
Thanks be to God thro’ Christ alone,
Who gives the final victory,
Mingles with his my latest groan,
And bids me die his face to see.