Verse 1
Still, O my soul, prolong
The never-ceasing song!
Christ my theme, my hope, my joy;
His be all my happy days,
Praise my ev’ry hour employ,
Ev’ry breath be spent in praise.
Verse 2
His would I wholly be
Who liv’d and died for me:
Grief was all his life below,
Pain and poverty and loss:
Mine the sins that bruis’d him so,
Scourg’d and nail’d him to the cross.
Verse 3
He bore the curse of all,
A spotless criminal:
Burden’d with a world of guilt,
Blacken’d with imputed sin,
Man to save his blood he spilt,
Died, to make the sinner clean.
Verse 4
Join earth and heav’n to bless
The LORD our righteousness!
Myst’ry of redemption this,
This the Saviour’s strange design,
Man’s offence was counted his,
Ours is righteousness divine.
Verse 5
Far as our parent’s fall
The gift is come to all:
Sinn’d we all, and died in one?
Just in one we all are made,
Christ the law fulfill’d alone,
Dy’d for all, for all obey’d.
Verse 6
In him compleat we shine,
His death, his life is mine.
Fully am I justify’d,
Free from sin, and more than free;
Guiltless, since for me he dy’d,
Righteous, since he liv’d for me!
Verse 7
Jesu! To thee I bow,
Sav’d to the utmost now.
O the depth of love divine!
Who thy wisdom’s stores can tell?
Knowledge infinite is thine,
All thy ways unsearchable!