Teacher of babes, to Thee

Verse 1
Teacher of babes, to thee
I for instruction flee,
In my natural estate
Thee, my God, I cannot know:
Let thy grace illuminate,
Thee let thy own Spirit shew.

Verse 2
Ah, give me other eyes
Than flesh and blood supplies,
Spiritual discernment give;
Then command the light to shine,
Then I shall the truth receive,
Know by faith the things divine.

Verse 3
For this I ever pray,
The darkness chase away
From a foolish, feeble mind,
Humbly offer’d up to thee:
Help me, Lord; my soul is blind,
Give me light, and eyes to see.

Verse 4
Thou seest my heart’s desire,
Whate’er thy laws require
Freely, faithfully to do;
But I know not how t’ obey,
’Till thy Spirit lend a clue,
Pointing out the living way.

Verse 5
Now, Father, send him down,
To make thy Godhead known,
Let him thee in Christ reveal,
Now diffuse thy love abroad,
Shew me things unsearchable,
All the heights and depths of God.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Charles Wesley, Hymns for Children (Bristol: E. Farley, 1763). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 6 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1870), page 392.
Publishing: Public Domain