Verse 1
Teacher of babes, to thee
I for instruction flee,
In my natural estate
Thee, my God, I cannot know:
Let thy grace illuminate,
Thee let thy own Spirit shew.
Verse 2
Ah, give me other eyes
Than flesh and blood supplies,
Spiritual discernment give;
Then command the light to shine,
Then I shall the truth receive,
Know by faith the things divine.
Verse 3
For this I ever pray,
The darkness chase away
From a foolish, feeble mind,
Humbly offer’d up to thee:
Help me, Lord; my soul is blind,
Give me light, and eyes to see.
Verse 4
Thou seest my heart’s desire,
Whate’er thy laws require
Freely, faithfully to do;
But I know not how t’ obey,
’Till thy Spirit lend a clue,
Pointing out the living way.
Verse 5
Now, Father, send him down,
To make thy Godhead known,
Let him thee in Christ reveal,
Now diffuse thy love abroad,
Shew me things unsearchable,
All the heights and depths of God.