Verse 1
The Lord is King, ye saints rejoice,
And ceaseless hallelujahs sing!
The angry floods lift up their voice
In vain, for lo! The Lord is King.
Verse 2
All ocean’s waves may swell and roar,
They cannot break their sandy chain:
Supream in majesty and power
Jehovah shall for ever reign.
Verse 3
Though war’s devouring surges rise,
Beyond their bounds they cannot go,
Jehovah sits above the skies,
And rules th’ embattled hosts below.
Verse 4
The counsels vain of earthly kings
He blasts and baffles at his will,
All their designs to nought he brings,
And bids the madding world be still.
Verse 5
’Tis God who bids contention cease,
And makes the flames of war expire,
Destroys the cruel foes of peace,
And burns the weapons of his ire.
Verse 6
Wherefore to him our souls we raise,
Our souls are in his mighty hand,
We dwell within his secret place,
We on the Rock of Ages stand.
Verse 7
Thou, Lord, shalt take thy people’s part,
Our lives beneath thy shadow hide:
Head over all to us thou art,
To us who in thy name confide.
Verse 8
Jesus, we trust in thee alone:
The strength that in thy name we have,
The love that still preserves thine own,
Thro’ all eternity shall save.