Verse 1
The omnipotent God
Thro’ his love shed abroad
Doth extraordinary messengers send,
And He arms us with grace,
Whom he pleases to raise
Against error and sin to contend.
Verse 2
The Jews we convince,
Who are proud of their sins
Which they virtue and righteousness call:
By the Spiritual sword,
By the power of the word
We confound them, in presence of all.
Verse 3
In Jesus his name
We forgiveness proclaim;
And his witnessing Spirit He gives:
From the scriptures we show,
He who suffer’d below
Is the God that eternally lives.
Verse 4
The Anointed of God,
The great Prophet bestow’d
On a wilfully ignorant race,
True faith He imparts,
And instructs our dull hearts
By the light and the unction of grace.
Verse 5
Our Priest we declare,
Thro’ whose blood and whose prayer
We are pardon’d, and perfect in one;
Our King we extol,
Who presides over all,
And vouchsafes us a share of his throne.
Verse 6
Priest, Prophet, and King,
He his kingdom doth bring,
With his Wisdom and Peace from above;
And who Jesus receive,
Priests, prophets, we live,
And we reign in the Spirit of love!