Verse 1
The riches of thy pardning grace
I have too long despis’d,
Nor husbanded the added space,
Nor every moment priz’d:
I harden’d by ten thousand falls
My unrepenting heart,
Withstood thy slighted Spirit’s calls,
And forc’d him to depart.
Verse 2
But now inlighten’d from above
Thy kind intent I see,
And led by thy unwearied love
I come at last to Thee:
I know Thou hast so long foreborn
And kept me out of hell,
That I might to my Saviour turn,
And all thy goodness feel.
Verse 3
I from this instant now repent,
Beneath my vileness groan,
Renounce my idols, and consent
To live for God alone:
But let me suffer on till death
Tho’ pardon’d and restor’d,
Lamenting with my latest breath
That I have griev’d my Lord.