Verse 1
The Spirit of the Lord my God
(Spirit of power, and health, and love)
My Father hath on me bestow’d,
And sent me from his throne above.
Verse 2
Prophet, and priest, and king of peace,
Anointed to declare his will,
To minister his pard’ning grace,
And govern every soul I heal.
Verse 3
To sinners bruis’d, and meek, and poor,
Good tidings of great joy t’ impart,
Sinners incurable to cure,
And bind up every broken heart.
Verse 4
The royal edict to proclaim,
Redemption for the captives found,
Mercy for all in Jesu’s name,
And liberty to spirits bound.
Verse 5
Sinners, obey the heavenly call,
Your prison-doors stand open wide,
Go forth, for I have ransom’d all,
For every soul of man have died.
Verse 6
The Lord hath sent his only Son,
To preach his acceptable year,
To make the joyful tidings known
Of vengeance, and deliverance near.
Verse 7
T’ avenge them of their tyrant-foe,
From sin, and Satan’s power to turn,
The gift of righteousness bestow,
And kindly comfort all that mourn.
Verse 8
To help their grov’ling unbelief,
Beauty for ashes to confer,
The oil of joy for abject grief,
Confident joy for sad despair.
Verse 9
’Tis mine the drooping soul to raise,
To rescue all by sin opprest,
To cloath them in the robes of praise,
And give their weary spirits rest;
Verse 10
To make them trees of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord below;
Planted in honour of his grace,
They here shall to perfection grow.
Verse 11
They all shall spread the gospel-hope,
Soon as my righteousness they have,
Shall raise the guilty sinner up,
And sav’d themselves their brethren save.
Verse 12
Workers with God, they now shall rear
The church, that long in ruins lay,
Her desolate estate repair,
Her antient piety’s decay.
Verse 13
With zeal, and heavenly wisdom fill’d,
The faithful labourers shall work on,
Build the old wastes, the cities build,
The souls by Satan broken down.
Verse 14
Strangers shall serve at your command,
Beneath your sacred burthens bow,
Labour for you, and till your land,
And gladly hold the gospel-plough.
Verse 15
The alien’s sons your vine shall dress,
And feed your little flock and keep,
Themselves your little flock increase,
And play among your lambs and sheep.
Verse 16
Ye all my glory shall declare,
The chosen people of your God,
Mine image and inscription bear,
When wash’d from all your sins in blood.
Verse 17
A royal race of priests divine,
Ye all shall minister my grace,
In prayers and free-will-offerings join,
And sacrificial songs of praise.
Verse 18
To you the Gentile world shall flow,
Their glory and their wealth resign,
Lords are ye now of all below,
For all is yours, when ye are mine.
Verse 19
With me is full redemption found,
Ye more than justified shall be,
Much more than sin shall grace abound,
My people shall be all like me;
Verse 20
Shall glory in my saving name:
I will remove the foul disgrace,
And swallow up their guilty shame,
And all their sins with blood efface.
Verse 21
Their glory shall their shame exceed,
When sav’d from all indwelling sin,
Doubly redeem’d, and free indeed,
Their conscience, and their heart is clean.
Verse 22
They now of double grace possest,
Shall all their souls in thanks employ,
Receiv’d into my perfect rest,
And crown’d with everlasting joy.