The way of all the earth I go

Verse 1
The way of all the earth I go
To my celestial place,
And only wait in Christ to know
The God of pard’ning grace:

Verse 2
To find the heart by Jesus bought,
The heart-transforming love,
And feel the peace-surpassing thought,
The pledge of joys above.

Verse 3
That heavenly kingdom, Lord, within
My new-born soul restore,
And cancel and extirpate sin
By love’s almighty power:

Verse 4
The grace affectionate infuse;
And when of love possess’d,
From chains of flesh my spirit loose,
And take me to thy breast.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Charles Wesley, Preparation for Death, in Several Hymns (London, 1772). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 7 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1870), page 366.
Publishing: Public Domain