Verse 1
The worthies these of ancient days,
By faith they lived, in faith they died:
Not yet receiv’d the promis’d grace,
But darkly from afar descri’d.
Verse 2
Assur’d the Saviour should appear,
And confident in Christ to come,
Him they embrac’d, tho’ distant near,
And languish’d for their heavenly home.
Verse 3
Pilgrims they here themselves confess’d,
Who no abiding-place must know,
Strangers on earth they could not rest,
Or find their happiness below.
Verse 4
Regardless of the things behind,
The earthly home from whence they came,
A better land they long’d to find,
A promis’d heaven was all their aim.
Verse 5
Their faith the gracious Father sees,
And kindly for his children cares,
He condescends to call them his,
And suffers them to call him theirs,
Verse 6
For them his heaven he hath prepar’d,
His New Jerusalem above,
And love is there their great reward,
A whole eternity of love.