Thee, O my God and King

Verse 1
Thee, O my God and King,
My Father, thee I sing!
Hear well-pleas’d the joyous sound,
Praise from earth and heav’n receive;
Lost, I now in Christ am found,
Dead, by faith in Christ I live.

Verse 2
Father, behold thy son,
In Christ I am thy own.
Stranger long to thee and rest,
See the prodigal is come:
Open wide thine arms and breast,
Take the weary wand’rer home.

Verse 3
Thine eye observ’d from far,
Thy pity look’d me near:
Me thy bowels yearn’d to see,
Me thy mercy ran to find,
Empty, poor, and void of thee,
Hungry, sick, and faint, and blind.

Verse 4
Thou on my neck didst fall,
Thy kiss forgave me all:
Still the gracious words I hear,
Words that made the Saviour mine,
“Haste, for him the robe prepare,
His be righteousness divine!”

Verse 5
Thee then, my God and King,
My Father, thee I sing!
Hear well-pleas’d the joyous sound,
Praise from earth and heav’n receive;
Lost, I now in Christ am found,
Dead, by faith in Christ I live.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "Hymn of Thanksgiving to the Father." This is the original version of this hymn, as first published in "Hymns and Sacred Poems (1739)," published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1739). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 1 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868), page 96.
Publishing: Public Domain