Verse 1
Then, then the gospel-day shall rise,
(Jehovah speaks, let earth attend)
I from my throne above the skies
Will on all flesh my Spirit send;
Not one but may the promise find
The gift pour’d out on all mankind.
Verse 2
Your sons and daughters at that day
Shall in the solemn worship join,
Or fervent in the Spirit pray,
Or utter words of praise divine,
The old shall dream, inspir’d by me,
The young shall heavenly visions see.
Verse 3
I will to the whole ransom’d race
My glorious deity reveal,
Pour out the Spirit of my grace,
My servants and my handmaids fill
With love, shed in their hearts abroad,
With all the plenitude of God.
Verse 4
Who slight my miracles of love
On them I will my judgments shew,
Portentous signs in heaven above,
And prodigies in earth below;
The earth shall be burnt up with fire,
And all its works in smoak expire.
Verse 5
The sun shall black as sackcloth turn,
The moon shall redden into blood,
The el’ments melt, the heav’ns shall burn,
At that great awful day of God,
The stars shall from their orbits fall,
And flames and darkness cover all.
Verse 6
Then shall the Lord his truth display,
(The merciful Almighty Lord)
To those that did his call obey,
The residue that kept his word;
He shall the full salvation give,
And bid his saints in glory live.
Verse 7
Then all that on the Lord rely,
And call in faith on Jesu’s name,
Caught up to meet him in the skies,
Their Master’s glorious joy shall claim,
Joy to his faithful servants given,
Joy in a new eternal heaven.