Verse 1
Thou God of Faithful Mercies, hear!
If plainly now begin t’ appear
The Tokens of thy Will,
Our hearts prepare by just Degrees,
With calm Delight and perfect Peace
Thy Pleasure to fulfil.
Verse 2
Refrain our Souls, and keep them low,
In every State resolv’d to know
Our Jesus Crucified;
In simple childlike Purity,
Preserve us, Lord, alive to Thee
And dead to All beside.
Verse 3
Whene’er thy Providential Voice
Confirms our long-suspended Choice,
And fixes our Estate,
Or let us for the better meet,
And fall adoring at thy Feet,
And there forever wait.
Verse 4
We would, Thou knowst, we would be Thine,
In Jesus’ Name and Spirit join
Thy glory to display,
To chear and help each other on
Till Both appear before thy Throne
Triumphant, at that Day!