Thou great mysterious God unknown

Verse 1
Thou great mysterious God unknown,
Whose love hath gently led me on
E’en from my infant days,
Mine inmost soul expose to view,
And tell me if I never[1] knew
Thy justifying grace.

Verse 2
If I have only known thy fear,
And follow’d with an heart sincere
Thy drawings from above,
Now, now the farther grace bestow,
And let my sprinkled conscience know
Thy sweet forgiving love.

Verse 3
Short of thy love I would not stop,
A stranger to the gospel-hope,
The sense of sin forgiven,
I would not, Lord, my soul deceive,
Without thy inward witness live,
That antepast of heaven.

Verse 4
If now the witness were in me,
Would he not testify of thee
In Jesus reconcil’d?
And should I not with faith draw nigh,
And boldly Abba Father cry,
I know myself thy child.

Verse 5
Ah never let thy servant rest,
Till of my part in Christ possest
I on thy mercy feed,
Unworthy of the crumbs that fall,
Yet rais’d by him who dy’d for all
To eat the children’s bread.

Verse 6
O may I cast my rags aside,
My filthy rags of virtuous pride,
And for acceptance groan;
My works and[2] righteousness disclaim,
With all I have, or can, or am,
And trust in grace alone.

Verse 7
Whate’er obstructs thy pard’ning love,
Or sin, or righteousness remove,
Thy glory to display,
Mine heart of unbelief convince,
And now absolve me from my sins,
And take them all away.

Verse 8
Father, in me reveal thy Son,
And to my inmost soul make known
How merciful thou art,
The secret of thy love reveal,
And by thine hallowing Spirit dwell
Forever in my heart.

[1] Wesley changed “never” to “ever” in 1776.
[2] Wesley changed “and” to “of” in 1761.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Those That Seek and Those That Have Redemption in the Blood of Jesus Christ (William Strahan, 1747). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 235.
Publishing: Public Domain