Verse 1
To destroy idolatry,
God was manifest below;
God we in our Saviour see,
None beside himself we know:
Christ the con-substantial Son,
Worship’d by his heavenly quire,
Him we magnify alone,
One with his eternal Sire.
Verse 2
No inferior god we praise,
No dependent deity:
The whole Godhead we confess
Resident, O Christ, in thee:
Praise divine whoe’er allow,
Worship to a creature given,
To thine only name we bow,
Sovereign Lord of earth and heaven.
Verse 3
Jesus, call to mind thy word
Standing as the mountains fast,
All idolatry abhorr’d
O abolish it at last;
Root it out of every heart
All that doth our Lord disown,
Then our only Lord thou art
High on thine eternal throne.