Verse 1
To the haven of thy breast,
O Son of man, I fly:
Be my refuge and my rest,
For Oh! The storm is high:
Save me from the furious blast,
A covert from the tempest be,
Hide me, Jesu, till o’repast
The storm of sin I see.
Verse 2
Welcome as the water-spring
To a dry, barren place,
O descend on me, and bring
Thy sweet refreshing grace:
O’re a parch’d and weary land
As a great rock extends its shade,
Hide me, Saviour, with thy hand,
And skreen my naked head.
Verse 3
In the time of my distress
Thou hast my succour been,
In my utter helplessness
Restraining me from sin;
O how swiftly didst thou move
To save me in the trying hour!
Still protect me with thy love,
And shield me with thy power.
Verse 4
First, and last in me perform
The work thou hast begun,
Be my shelter from the storm,
My shadow from the sun;
Sprinkle still the mercy-seat,
And bring thy Father’s anger down,
Skreen me, Jesu, from the heat,
And terror of his frown.
Verse 5
Let thy merit as a cloud
Still interpose between,
Plead th’ atonement of thy blood
Till I am cleans’d from sin:
Weary, parch’d with thirst and faint
Till thou the abiding Spirit breathe,
Every moment, Lord, I want
The merit of thy death.
Verse 6
Never shall I want it less
When thou the gift hast given,
Fill’d me with thy righteousness,
And seal’d the heir of heaven;
I shall hang upon my God,
Till I thy perfect glory see,
Till the sprinkling of thy blood
Shall speak me up to thee.