Verse 1
Transported by Prophetic zeal,
Constrain’d the judgment to foretell,
He speaks divinely right:
The threatned woe belongs to all,
And God shall every whited wall
With sure destruction smite.
Verse 2
Hear this who now abuse your power
And treat as criminals, before
The innocent ye hear,
Who break the laws ye should maintain,
And rouse the rage of riotous men
’Gainst Jesus’ messenger!
Verse 3
By pomp ye charm the people’s sight,
Your monumental wall is white
And beautified by art,
With goodly forms ye hide your sin,
The rubbish, dirt, and trash within
A worldly, rotten heart.
Verse 4
But cast in this your gracious day
The world with all your sins away,
The true repentance feel,
Or God shall make your evil known,
Your daub’d, untemper’d wall throw down,
And smite you into hell.