Verse 1
Unchangeable Almighty Lord,
Our souls upon thy truth we stay,
Accomplish now thy faithful word,
And give, O give us all one way.
Verse 2
O let us all join hand in hand,
Who seek redemption in thy blood,
Fast in one mind, and spirit stand,
And build the temple of our God.
Verse 3
Thou only canst our wills controul,
Our wild unruly passions bind,
Tame the old Adam in our soul,
And make us of one heart and mind.
Verse 4
Speak but the reconciling word,
The winds shall cease, the waves subside,
We all shall praise our common Lord,
Our Jesus, and him crucified.
Verse 5
Giver of peace, and unity,
Send down thy mild pacific Dove,
We all shall then in one agree,
And breathe the Spirit of thy love.
Verse 6
We all shall think, and speak the same
Delightful lesson of thy grace,
One undivided Christ proclaim,
And jointly glory in thy praise.
Verse 7
O let us take a softer mould:
Blended and gather’d into thee,
Under one shepherd make one fold,
Where all is love and harmony.
Verse 8
Regard thine own eternal prayer,
And send a peaceful answer down,
To us thy Father’s name declare,
Unite, and perfect us in one.
Verse 9
So shall the world believe, and know,
That God hath sent thee from above,
When thou art seen in us below,
And every soul displays thy love.