Vain, delusive world, adieu

Verse 1
Vain, delusive world, adieu,
With all of creature-good!
Only Jesus I pursue
Who bought me with his blood;
All thy pleasures I forego,
I trample on thy wealth and pride,
Only Jesus will I know,
And Jesus crucified.

Verse 2
Other knowledge I disdain,
’Tis all but vanity:
Christ, the Lamb of God was slain,
He tasted death for me:
Me to save from endless woe
The all-atoning victim died;
Only Jesus, &c.

Verse 3
Turning to my rest again
The Saviour I adore,
He relieves my grief and pain,
And bids me weep no more;
Rivers of salvation flow
From out his head, his hands, his side;
Only Jesus, &c.

Verse 4
Here will I set up my rest,
My fluctuating heart
From the haven of thy breast
Shall never more depart:
Whither should a sinner go?
His wounds for me stand open wide:
Only Jesus, &c.

Verse 5
What though all I am is sin,
Sin cannot break my peace,
Here is blood to wash me clean
From all unrighteousness;
This shall make me white as snow,
On this for all things I confide:
Only Jesus, &c.

Verse 6
What though earth and hell engage
To shake my soul with fear,
Calmly I defy the rage
Of persecution near;
Suffering faith shall brighter glow,
As gold when in the furnace tried:
Only Jesus, &c.

Verse 7
Him to know is life and peace,
And pleasure without end:
This is all my happiness,
On Jesus to depend,
Daily in his grace to grow,
And ever in his faith abide:
Only Jesus, &c.

Verse 8
O that I could all invite
This saving truth to prove,
Shew the length, and breadth, and height,
And depth of Jesu’s love!
Fain I would to sinners shew
The blood, which all may feel applied:
Only Jesus, &c.

Verse 9
Him in all my works I seek
Who hung upon the tree,
Only of his love I speak,
Who freely died for me;
While I sojourn here below,
Of nothing will I think beside;
Only Jesus will I know,
And Jesus crucified.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "“I am determined to know nothing save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.”." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1742), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1742). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 2 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 315.
Publishing: Public Domain