Verse 1
We magnify the gift of God,
The common Saviour praise:
A talent is on all bestow’d,
A seed of saving-grace.
Verse 2
To every soul it comes unsought,
To raise him from his fall;
To all it hath appear’d, and brought
Salvation unto all.
Verse 3
From all ungodliness and sin
It teaches us to fly,
Forbids to touch the thing unclean,
Or but in thought comply.
Verse 4
From every earthly, low desire,
From every creature-love
It calls, and bids our hearts aspire
And seek the things above.
Verse 5
It teaches us, and not in vain,
All evil to eschew;
From every sin we now refrain,
And every good pursue.
Verse 6
Sober, and just, and godly here
Whoe’er the grace receive,
With sin, and Satan ever near,
A sinless life we live.
Verse 7
Our soul is chang’d, our heart is clean,
Our inward strife is o’er,
Here in this present world of sin,
We live, and sin no more.
Verse 8
The power of godliness we shew,
To carnal minds unknown,
And perfect holiness below,
And live to God alone.
Verse 9
Worthy we walk with him in white,
Holy, and perfect here,
Till Christ with all his saints in light
Shall gloriously appear.
Verse 10
We look for that thrice blessed hope,
When time and death shall end,
And Christ the judge, to take us up,
Shall with a shout descend.
Verse 11
Jesus, the great tremendous God,
Our Saviour shall come down;
To all who conquer’d thro’ his blood
He gives the starry crown.
Verse 12
That blood which he for all did shed
To make us throughly clean,
To save, and make us free indeed
From every spot of sin.
Verse 13
For this he hung upon the tree,
For this his life he gave,
Our souls from all iniquity,
Our ransom’d souls to save.
Verse 14
A royal priesthood to ordain;
An holy, chosen seed,
And bring them to a perfect man,
And make them like their head.
Verse 15
He died, that we to sin might die,
And live to God alone;
He died, our hearts to purify,
And make them all his own.
Verse 16
This is the dear, peculiar race,
The people doubly bought,
Th’ elect of God, who sought his face,
And found the God they sought.
Verse 17
Zealous of all good works they live,
And all good tempers shew,
And still to God the glory give,
And live his life below.
Verse 18
This is the fellowship of saints!
I see it, Lord, I see
The grace which answers all our wants,
The grace which is for me.
Verse 19
The glorious prize I now pursue,
For full redemption wait,
And soon I shall attain unto
My primitive estate.
Verse 20
Heaven I shall have within my breast,
Nor envy those above,
When taken into Jesu’s rest,
And perfected in love.