Verse 1
What is it then which now constrains
My hardness to lament?
Why do I miss my former pains,
And wish I coud relent?
It is my Advocate above,
Who forces me to hope,
It is the voice of bleeding LOVE
“How shall I give thee up?[”]
Verse 2
Lord, if thy love doth still abound
Above my sin’s excess,
If still Thou art my Spokesman found
Before the throne of grace;
If one so doubly dead to God
Thou canst revive again,
Revive me now; restore my load,
And give me back my pain.
Verse 3
Giver of power to them that faint,
Thy power to me impart,
Thy whole omnipotence I want
To rouse my languid heart:
I want the voice that wakes the dead,
To bid my soul arise,
And follow where my Captain led,
And labour up the skies.
Verse 4
O for the strength of fervent zeal,
The faith in Jesus Name,
Which dares the floud, and scales the hill,
And rushes thro’ the flame;
Which wrestles on divinely bold
The secret name to know,
With violent faith on God lays hold,
And will not let him go!
Verse 5
Spirit of power and life, inspire
This faint and feeble breast
With even, infinite desire
Of my eternal rest:
Stir up my soul its strength t’ exert,
With never-slackning care,
And groan Thyself within my heart
Th’ unutterable prayer.
Verse 6
I woud be govern’d by thy will,
I woud be wholly thine:
Now, Lord, my gasping spirit fill
With energy divine;
And that my zeal no more may cool,
Come, heavenly Comforter,
Take full posession of my soul,
And dwell for ever here!