What recompence, or meet reward

Verse 1
What recompence, or meet reward
Shall sinners render to the Lord
For all his saving grace?
We only can with thanks receive,
The utmost grace he deigns to give,
And sing the giver’s praise.

Verse 2
Sav’d from the Romish fowler’s snare,
Our Saviour’s glory to declare
We joyfully agree:
Jesus, we now thy praise proclaim,
And rescued by thy conqu’ring name,
Give back our lives to thee.

Verse 3
Thou hast thy praying remnant heard,
Thou hast our sinful Sodom spar’d
For the ten righteous’ sake:
Thou between God and us hast stood,
And pleaded thine atoning blood,
And turn’d the waster back.

Verse 4
Pluck’d as a brand out of the fire,
Let us to greater things aspire,
And mightier wonders see,
Deliverance from death, hell and sin,
From all these rebel foes within,
And more than victory.

Verse 5
Jesus, convert and stir us up
With transport to receive the cup
Of full salvation here:
And let us then by love restor’d,
Behold thee, our triumphant Lord,
With all thy saints appear!

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for the Public Thanksgiving-Day, October 9, 1746, published by John and Charles Wesley (London, 1746). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 100.
Publishing: Public Domain