Verse 1
What shall I do to ’scape the hell
That burns me up within!
Satan, and all his hosts I feel
In this indwelling sin.
Verse 2
It mocks my strength, prevents my flight,
Still intimately nigh,
Impossible it is to fight,
Impossible to fly.
Verse 3
One only refuge there remains,
But that I cannot find,
So fast these grievous, fleshly chains,
My slothful spirit bind.
Verse 4
Monster of sin! How can it be
That I should still delay!
Jesus I know would set me free,
Would I to Jesus pray.
Verse 5
He bids me ask, and I shall have:
I know it; and forbear;
Assur’d he would the sinner save,
In answer to my prayer.
Verse 6
He pities now my sad estate,
And gladly would relieve,
But Oh! I cannot—will not—wait
Till he the blessing give.
Verse 7
He waits that he may gracious be,
To all his bowels move;
Fury, O God, is not in thee,
But all thy heart is love.
Verse 8
Then help me to receive thy word,
Help me on thee to call,
Have patience with me, dearest Lord,
And I will pay thee all.
Verse 9
On me for good this token shew,
Pronounce the Ephphatha,
And let my heart in prayer or’eflow,
And let me always pray.
Verse 10
A time to thee I will not set,
Nor charge thee with delay;
Do with me, Lord, as seems thee meet,
But let me always pray.
Verse 11
Thou art not slack touching thy word,
Content I am to stay,
To wait the leisure of my Lord,
But let me always pray.
Verse 12
Though in my flesh I feel the thorn,
No more will I complain,
Let me but in thy bosom mourn,
And tell thee all my pain.
Verse 13
Come joy, or grief, come life, or death,
For this I take no care,
But when I render up my breath,
Let my last breath be prayer.